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Family Time

Presentations for Parents

These sessions for parents will help them to better understand "why" children behave the way they do, why some are experiencing behavioural challenges and what can best be done at home to help their child or youth.

Helping Teens Navigate Emotional Times

Adolescence is a challenging time. Figuring out who you are and who you want to be; navigating peer pressure; striving to meet adult expectations, and then living through a pandemic, puts a lot of pressure on young people. Add to this a complete change in their experience of school, and there can be a profound effect on learning and behaving. This presentation will provide some insight into the emotional and developmental world of teens. Then suggestions will be provided as to how parents can help teens to navigate these trying times.

Parenting in stressful times: how to be your child’s “best bet”

Parenting is tough at the best of times, but when life throws in extra challenges, it can seem overwhelming. This presentation will help parents to understand what children need from them when times are difficult. It will provide insight into some common behavioural difficulties that all children experience. And it will provide suggestions to help parents respond in ways that protect the child-parent relationship allowing them to stay in the lead exactly when their children need them the most.

Rest in a Restless World: Understanding anxiety in Children and Youth

When children or teens become anxious, we are quick to search for ways to deal with their symptoms. However, the symptoms just let us know that the child is facing more alarm than he or she can handle. This presentation will clarify the concepts of alarm and anxiety. It will shed light on what alarms our children the most. And it will provide parents and caregivers with tools for helping their children quiet the alarm and find rest so that they can continue to grow and develop to their full potential.

Alpha Children – How to get back into the lead

When we are raising children there are times when we need them to listen to us. And when they don’t, we find ourselves resorting to tactics that don’t always work and ones that we sometimes regret having used. This presentation will focus on how to get into the lead position with the children in our care that respects their developmental needs and yet allows us to do our job which is that of a parent and guide.

Tempers, Tantrums and Tears: Helping children cope with frustration

Do you have a child who tantrums – once in a while, sometimes, frequently? This session will help you to understand why children tantrum, where tantrums fit in terms of their growth and development and why, when it is all over, tears are important. We will even look at why having a child who tantrums is a “blessing in disguise”. Finally, we will discuss some concrete suggestions for helping children move from tantrums to tears in order to help them to grow into the wonderful people they are meant to be.


Eva de Gosztonyi

I acknowledge the traditional territory of the Wendat, the Anishnaabeg, Haudenosaunee, Métis, and the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation where I, as a grateful and respectful guest, live, work, and play.

Je reconnais le territoire traditionnel des Wendat, des Anishnaabeg, des Haudenosaunee, des Métis et des Mississaugas de la Première nation Crédit où, en tant qu'invité reconnaissant et respectueux, je vis, travaille et joue.

Tel 514 771-4649

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